This optin message invites your audience to join your list by receiving a downloadable PDF file to enhance their experience with your product.
It runs in Facebook Messenger, and collects the email addresses that will then be used for future funnel email messages.
Use this message for
Invite your audience to receive additional useful information about their product and get your them to sign up to your email list and become a Messenger contact with your brand.
File Description
Description of the content they’ll be receiving. For example: “our best recipes to make the best of your Milk Frother.”
File URL
Shareable link to your file. You can store your file on Google Drive, Dropbox, your own store, or any other online document hosting service.
Giveaway Image
Image of what the person might win.
Giveaway Description
Description of what the person may win. For example: “a brand new car!”
Show visit store message?
Select whether it should invite customers to visit your store at the end of the flow or now.
URL to your store
Link to your Amazon, Shopify or any other e-commerce storefront.
ManyChat Flow
This message is set on ManyChat, with the flow name: EBF: Message: Optin: Delivery Downloadable